Illustration of educational symbols alongside cryptocurrency and blockchain icons, highlighting courses for learners at various levels

What Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Courses to Take: A Brief Guide



Planning to enter the world of blockchain or cryptocurrency? As with any fast-moving market, trading is a high-stakes activity that can lead to significant profits or major losses. The key is to learn as much about it as possible before you start.

But with so many blockchain cryptocurrency training programs out there, which ones should you seriously consider? Stay tuned as we discuss some crypto and blockchain basics, including related courses worth checking out.


Visual representation of trading and technical analysis in cryptocurrency

Fundamentals of Cryptocurrency


These beginner-level courses will cover fundamentals/foundations of crypto, mining, NFTs, trading, etc. They may also briefly cover Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrencies along with crypto markets and how to track values.

Udemy has a Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Course that’s a top choice among beginners. It’s a 2-hour course that teaches learners how to use, buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies.


For those looking to solidify their understanding with practical exercises, exploring practice questions related to cryptocurrency fundamentals can be highly beneficial. These questions often simulate real-world scenarios, helping beginners to apply their knowledge practically.

Foundation courses are perfect for someone entering the world of crypto with little to no knowledge. These not only give you a window into the crypto world but can also be used to assess whether you want to study the subject further. 


Basics of Blockchain Technology


These blockchain technology courses for beginners delve into the definition, history, technical aspects, economics, and business side of blockchain technology. It helps you understand the different types of blockchains, their applications, and their uses.
These types of courses are relevant if you’re planning on using the enterprise blockchain system for your own trading/investment.

The BerkeleyX Blockchain Fundamentals is the best course that covers blockchain basics while delving into its economic and business aspects. But for those who want a less comprehensive course that doesn’t discuss blockchain’s applications and uses, IBM’s Introduction to Blockchain might be a better starting point.


Educational diagram of blockchain technology


Trading and Technical Analysis


If you’re planning to enter and exit trades over relatively short periods, you’ll need to learn trading and technical analysis. Technical analysis will teach you how to use technical indicators, trading techniques, and chart patterns for day trading, manage retirement accounts, prepare reports on potential market gains, etc. It can help you determine what makes a trade profitable or why certain techniques may fail. Some courses also teach you how to register and secure crypto trading accounts.
These courses are rather advanced and require a good understanding of the basics of crypto.
One of the top choices in this category is Udemy’s Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course.


Specialized Courses in Crypto and Blockchain


If you’re looking to tackle niches like fintech or gain expertise in cryptocurrency, you can also check out courses like:
– Certified Cryptocurrency Expert (CCE): Industry-recognized certification for cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies
– Fintech: Foundations and Applications: Cryptocurrency and blockchain in financial contexts
– Complete NFT Course: History of NFTs, use cases, minting, investing, etc.





There are plenty of beginner and advanced-level courses in crypto and blockchain. Selecting the right one for your purpose will help accelerate your journey towards gaining a well-rounded understanding.
We hope this guide has opened up different possibilities and will help you make the best choice based on your learning objectives!



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